写真家 Nick FujimuraのPhotographer's eye

Sony α7シリーズ愛用の写真家のブログです。写真やカメラの事だけでなく生活全般いろいろ呟きます。



去年の暮れにサブスクの請求が1万円を超えてるんじゃね?と気付き、全てのサブスクをキャンセルした。何しろSony α7rIVでは画像1枚が40MGもあるのでiCloudのようなサブスクにうっかりカタログを設定してしまうととんでもない容量を食われる。で、キャンセルしたiCloudの代わりにSynologyと言うNASのネットワークハードディスクを導入してみた。





At the end of last year, I realized that the total cost of all the subscription services I had subscribed to was over 10,000 yen. and cancelled all mysubscription services. After all, one image in the Sony α7rIV has 40 MG, so if I accidentally set up a catalog in a subscription like iCloud, I was consuming a tremendous amount of space. So, instead of the cancelled iCloud, I installed a NAS network hard disk called Synology.

I tried to set up Synology and Lightroom's catalog, but it didn't work, so I deleted the Lr and Ps software and tried uploading again. I deleted the Lr and Ps software and tried to upload again. Then I couldn't upload anymore. That's why this blog was abandoned from January to April. I don't know what I'm doing

This Saturday, I woke up in the morning, and to my surprise, a strange idea to solve this problem came to me. As a result of various searches and investigations, I found out that there is a software that cleans the hardware inside the Mac as well. So I finally found the software that I thought I needed to solve the problem. Here it is.



但し、無料で使える部分では問題解決が限定されるのでやはり有料に導かれるのは言うまでもありません。世の中、金!!! これ、資本主義世界の鉄則なので仕方ありませんね。笑 但し、クーポンを使わないと損します。

At first, I thought it was a little risky to use this application called CleanMyMac, but when I searched and got information, it seemed to be a popular application for Apple users overseas.

However, it goes without saying that the part that can be used for free will still lead you to pay for it since the problem solving is limited. Money in the world! This is the ironclad rule of the capitalist world, so it can't be helped.However, if you don't use the coupon, you will lose money. LOL!




Oh, that's good, that's good, that's good, that's good. LOL

So, here are the recent images that I developed in RAW again.






 どうでしょうか? そんなに変わらないっすか? 笑

What do you think? Doesn't look so different, does it? LOL!